
Cool Celebrity Clothing images

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Some cool celebrity clothing images:

What are you looking at?
celebrity clothing
Image by Connie Arida
Hair: Leverocci - Illu
Top: Leverocci - Breezy Tunic (Mesh)

My other celebrity fixated world treats movie writers, not actors, as deities.
My other bumper sticker is Intelligent.

Day 41: out of control
celebrity clothing
Image by cathyse97
Out of control. No, I'm not talking about the dandelions. I'm not even going to try to get rid of dandelions. I'm talking about the child's clothing choices for the day. It was a battle I was prepared to fight over early on in the morning... then I realized, I didn't need to fight it. As long as she didn't go out in public like this. Ok, some of you might be thinking, what's the harm? so the kid insisted on wearing her tie-dyed leggings and other-color-toned-striped shirt.... big deal. Then add the cow gloves. Big deal, right? You're probably right. (Maybe you can't see the outfit well enough.. try going here for a better view.) And there are plenty of times when she goes out in outfits I cringe at, because they don't quite match as much as I'd like... but, oh well. I managed to survive morning.

That aside... what does this have to do with Holy Week? This: the Pharisees said that it was all out of control. Their tactics were getting them nowhere. The crowds, the world, "everybody" was following Jesus. (This week I'm photographing/blogging about a different passage each day. Today's is: John 12:9-19.) Try as they may, they, the Pharisees, just couldn't seem to get things under control. This Jesus fellow was too charismatic... he raised that Lazarus guy from the dead, and now, everyone was giving Jesus a parade. What could they do?

As we know, they tried. They tried to get it under control. And they thought they had succeeded. The joke was on them, however. And by "them", I don't just mean the Pharisess. I mean anybody and everybody who thought that Jesus was mere mortal, only a celebrity of the weirdest, though most compassionate, kind...

Out of control? Definitely.

The Pharisees had less control over Jesus than I have over Kajsa's outfit matching tomorrow morning... or of dandelions not coming up in our yard next week.

(p.s. for those who think I should let Kajsa wear whatever she wants, however poorly it matches: don't worry... some days I will. And for those who think I should do a better job of setting out matching choices before she gets to her clothing drawers: don't sorry... some days I will.)
