
Nice Celebrities Birthdays photos

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Check out these celebrities birthdays images:

★Born on 5/14: iCarly Miranda Cosgrove
celebrities birthdays
Image by CassAnaya
All art produced by the BirthdayBlog with @CassAnaya and TyAnaya is Attribution-NonCommercial Creative Commons. Click to watch this episode: Founder of Facebook?

Blow 'em out
celebrities birthdays
Image by The Sly Gentleman
I so enjoyed being a (very) local celebrity that I and my colleagues spontaneously developed an all-over orange tan. Z-list charity events await!

Birthday girl and celebrity chef
celebrities birthdays
Image by nikkorsnapper
So for our friend's birthday we took her to Mandola's Italian Market. She, being a fan of tv cooking shows, immediately recognized the chef, Damian Mandola, star of the show Cucina Amore, and co-founder of Carrabba's Italian Grill.
