
Cool Women Celebrities images

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A few nice women celebrities images I found:

Originality of Arabia [ASALAH]
women celebrities
Image by radiant guy
I don't care if we brake a part...
I don't care If I was wounded...
I don't care if I was forgotten...
I don't care if I was in pain...
I don't care if I was in regret...
I don't care if I was tortured...
I don't care about anything wether it was strange thing or not!

Even the one who I used to be in love with, and I thought that I have no life with out being with him...
It's was just a matter of time, we have nothing linking between us anymore...
And now I consider him a normal person just like any stranger!

I am not afraid of my old memories any more because my upcoming future will make me forget my past...
I don't care If my loved person came closer or left away because nothing anymore makes me surprised!

Ok that's my graphics work but NOT my photography (Although I really wish it's!)...
Model is the great vocalist Asalah (Arabic for originallty) taken in the year 2005.
The bold description above is one of her songs translated to English by me..
Check out my music blog for more songs translations.

I adore the lyrics of the 2nd paragraph, It's sounds stupid in English, you know Arabic powerful poetry loses the power during the translation :(

Let me know If you would like to listen to it.
