
Cool Celebrity Hairstyles images

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Check out these celebrity hairstyles images:

L+N "Gift of Beauty"
celebrity hairstyles
Image by Harper Ganesvoort
Skin: Wunderlichs Metal Skin Gold
Eyes: Sterling Artistry Jeweled Eyes, rubellite
Hair: Mirada Hair Sarita (Jet Black; no longer available)
Gown, hat and shoes: L+N Gift of Beauty
Makeup (layer order, bottom to top): Miss Shippe's Studio Marta Got Waxed Brows (Black); .:Glamorize:. Champagne Combos 1 (Black Hole/Starlet Scarlet); *BOOM* Liquid Glaze (red, lashed)
Jewelry: Cailyn Edwardian Engagement Ring (Ruby); FINESMITH Grapa suite (necklace, earrings, bracelet); JCNY Celebrity Bold Diamond Bracelet; Chop Zuey Light of the World "Voices of Earth" Ring Ruby

WindLight: [TOR] FOGGY - Southern delite

L+N "Gift of Beauty"
celebrity hairstyles
Image by Harper Ganesvoort
Skin: Wunderlichs Metal Skin Gold
Eyes: Sterling Artistry Jeweled Eyes, rubellite
Hair: Mirada Hair Sarita (Jet Black; no longer available)
Gown, hat and shoes: L+N Gift of Beauty
Makeup (layer order, bottom to top): Miss Shippe's Studio Marta Got Waxed Brows (Black); .:Glamorize:. Champagne Combos 1 (Black Hole/Starlet Scarlet); *BOOM* Liquid Glaze (red, lashed)
Jewelry: Cailyn Edwardian Engagement Ring (Ruby); FINESMITH Grapa suite (necklace, earrings, bracelet); JCNY Celebrity Bold Diamond Bracelet; Chop Zuey Light of the World "Voices of Earth" Ring Ruby

WindLight: [TOR] FOGGY - Southern delite
