
Tongue Tied

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Check out these celebrity kids images:

Tongue Tied
celebrity kids
Image by rockygirl05
This is the title to one of his songs. It just so happens that he, his wife and child were all born tongue tied. Apparently this means they can't stick out their tongues. I had no idea this was an actual condition. See kids, concerts are educational-not just excuses to get drunk and find strangers to have meaningless sex with! Heh.

Souvenirs from Taipei (Part 1)
celebrity kids
Image by wit*chazel
My friend JJ was in Taipei, and knowing what a big WLH fanatic I am, she got me these. Woot!

More stuff to add to my collection / The Shrine... as another friend prefers to call it. Haha.

Goofy's getting mobbed
celebrity kids
Image by detbuzzsaw
"Goofy can I have your autograph?"
"Goofy can you sign mine too?"

It must be hard being an animated celebrity...LOL!
