
Cool Top Celebrities images

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Some cool top celebrities images:

campaign van
top celebrities
Image by the queen of subtle
we were there a few days before the election that happens every 5 years in dominica. gary said it's a huge deal: they have a giant pre-election party, then the election, then an even bigger post-election party.

people show their party support by flying colored flags all over the place. everywhere we went, we saw properties decorated in red, blue, or green. there were also vans with speakers on top, and caravans of cars traveling around the island to show their support.

apparently the red party won. since all of the parties had a labor-oriented bent, that's probably all good.

Janet Klein & her Parlor Boys rooftop Los Angeles
top celebrities
Image by DominusVobiscum
Janet Klein & Her Parlor Boys during roof top L.A. publicity photo shoot - buildings - scene reminds me of men looking at scenery from a cruise ship deck -

Janet Klein & her Parlor Boys rooftop Los Angeles
top celebrities
Image by DominusVobiscum
Hot Club Quartette members Tom Marion and Billy Steele practicing on a roof top in L.A. 2004 (for Janet Klein & Her Parlor Boys roof top photo publicity photo shoot )
