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CFC 25th Anniversary Celebration in LA
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Image by Canadian Film Centre

To mark 25 years of inspiring exceptional talent and strong cross border partnerships, CFC celebrated the great friends and supporters who represent our rich film and TV culture. The event, held at the Avalon Hotel Beverly Hills, with CFC Board Member Eugene Levy acting as master of ceremonies, toasted the accomplishments of CFC's over 1,500 alumni pushing boundaries internationally in film, television, screen acting, music, and digital media.

Photo by Rebecca Sapp.

CFC 25th Anniversary Celebration in LA
celebrity photos
Image by Canadian Film Centre

Michael Levine and Jerry Ciccoritti.

To mark 25 years of inspiring exceptional talent and strong cross border partnerships, CFC celebrated the great friends and supporters who represent our rich film and TV culture. The event, held at the Avalon Hotel Beverly Hills, with CFC Board Member Eugene Levy acting as master of ceremonies, toasted the accomplishments of CFC's over 1,500 alumni pushing boundaries internationally in film, television, screen acting, music, and digital media.

Photo by Rebecca Sapp.

CFC 25th Anniversary Celebration in LA
celebrity photos
Image by Canadian Film Centre

David Fransen.

To mark 25 years of inspiring exceptional talent and strong cross border partnerships, CFC celebrated the great friends and supporters who represent our rich film and TV culture. The event, held at the Avalon Hotel Beverly Hills, with CFC Board Member Eugene Levy acting as master of ceremonies, toasted the accomplishments of CFC's over 1,500 alumni pushing boundaries internationally in film, television, screen acting, music, and digital media.

Photo by Rebecca Sapp.
