Check out these celebrity video images:
20071023 - Danzig - 140-4098 - Danzig singing
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Danzig playing "Classic Songs By The Misfits" at Ram's Head Live in Baltimore, MD. Except not one Misfits song was played! Read my blog post here to see exactly why this concert was the WORST DISAPPOINTMENT OF MY LIFE, and why I think Ram's Head Live are a bunch of lying wankers.
The blogpost includes 3 30-second YouTube videos which I will link here for the lazy:
1) the most anger and hostility I've ever seen at the end of a concert
2) The entire club chants "bullshit, bullshit, bullshit"!
3) Mini-interview with pissed off Misfits fans
Suffice to say, these are my most commented YouTube videos, and my blogpost has spurred some discussion as well. Now it's time to take my anger to Flickr!
In this picture, Danzig is in good spirits, as he has not [yet] fallen off the stage.
Glenn Danzig.
pointing, singing.
Ram's Head Live, Baltimore, Maryland.
October 23, 2007.
... Read my blog at